Tuesday, September 05, 2006


© Staci Stallings

I am a word nut. I think I have been forever. I even have a favorite and a least favorite letter of the alphabet. So basically, I’m a little weird. I love words. I love how by combining just 26 letters in a myriad of ways, I can take the pictures in my brain and convey them to yours. To me, that’s cool.

Many times I have found myself fascinated by a word that I have used forever but suddenly understand in a different light. So one day I was thinking of words and deconstructing them to see what they literally meant. I had gone through a couple when out of the blue the Holy Spirit said, “Yeah, it’s like inspiration.” I said, “What?” And He said, “It’s like inspiration. Get it? In-spir-ation. Or literally being in the spirit.”

Wow! I had been giving the Holy Spirit credit for my writing for a lot of years. Do you really think I could come up with the line “A lie doesn’t understand truth anymore than fear understands faith”? No, way. That was totally from the Holy Spirit. However, I had been using the word inspiration like it just meant “uplifting” or “motivational.”

What I had failed to see until that very moment was how being in-spir-ed literally meant one moment when you were in the Spirit – or more literally He was in you.

So the next time you feel inspired by something, give credit where credit is due and realize you have just had a visitor come into your life. Look around; it might be happening more than you think!

(Reprint Article http://www.stacistallings.com/articlepermission.htm )


Blogger J. M. Hochstetler said...


Thank you for this insight! Little by little, I'm become aware of how deeply the Holy Spirit infuses our lives. The Spirit is always there...we just don't always open up our hearts and minds to hear his voice.

1:03 PM  

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